Monday, December 25, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Brayson tries peas for the first time

He has done very well with the baby food so far. He really likes the sweet ones.... sweet potatoes, bananas, apple sauce, ect.... but the green vegtables..... not so

Christmas Lights

We decorated the front of the house again this year.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

hmmm . . . CARROTS

Brayson has his first taste of carrots and absolutely loved them. He would get so mad when Daddy took the spoon out. He got so excited that he kept banging his hands on the tray and getting carrots everywhere.

First time in the highchair

More Baby Einstein!!!

He loves the music that this activity center has.
Look Auntie Jess! He's wearing the bruins outfit you bought him.
P.S. He has already christened it :)

Flippy Fliperton

Bray has recently learned how to roll from his back to his front and then back again.

Bumbo Seat

Little man sitting in his bumbo seat, talking on his little phone... well then eating his little phone.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

First Baby Food

Bray tried his first baby food the other day. He has had rice cereal in his formula before but this was the first actual baby food.
It was gerber 1st foods bananas. He did great and ate more than we thought he would.

Brayson looking pretty slick!

Little man gets dressed up.

Bray's halloween outfit

Wanted to get some pictures of Bray in his halloween outfit but as you can see Cecil was wanting a little camera time also...... this was very upseting to Bray.

Sleeping on Daddy

Little man fell asleep on me in the great room and Beck took a couple pictures of me trying to carry him back to his room without waking him.

Stanley Cup

A while ago I went to a Gwinett Gladiators game. The Gladiators are a minor league hockey affiliate of the Atlanta Thrashers. They play at the Arena Gwinett Center, which is about 20-25 minutes from our house and across the street from Becky's work. They had a special promotion about showing up early and taking your picture with the Stanley Cup (if there's anyone who doesn't know what that is, its the cup you win when you win the National Hockey League Championship). I found these pictures on my computer and thought I'd post them to the blog.
The other picture is of my friends Bill and Smitty(Bill's dad) Bill is wearing a Gladiator shirt.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I decorated the front door area for Halloween(a little). I bought a fog machine with a remote and placed it so the fog would come through the ceramic pumpkin. With the remote I can wait until I see kids coming and then fog up the front door.