Thursday, May 18, 2006

Meg's Baby Shower at Our House...

We had Meg's baby shower at our house. Sam, Beck and I decorated the house. Zaxby's (a fried chicken restaraunt in GA.... yummy!) catered, Becky made some desserts and people also brought food with them.... salad, egg rolls, pasta and more.

They got tons of great presents and we had a great day.
Sam videotaped and took pictures. Beck wrote down what Meg got and from who and I helped hand out the presents and then stack them aside.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Baby Shower!!

Becky won't let me take any pictures of her while she's pregnant. So pictures of the shower are all you get :-( ..... sorry.

We got so much great stuff and can't thank everyone enough. It was so great to be in Mass. and be able to see that many family members and friends all in one place!

Bray's room part 2

Here are a few more pictures of the room. If you enlarge the 2 crib pictures, you can see the shelf across the back of the room that Sam and I built!

His closet is pretty full, thanks to everyone at the shower and Beck's mom....

The other pictures are of the crib and changing table that we bought with all the gift cards we got from the shower...... THANKS EVERYONE!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Baby's (Bray's) Room

For those of you that have been to the house we turned the sports room (or man town as some of you know it) into the baby's room.

For those of you that haven't been here yet, shame on you!!! Just kidding..... We turned one of the downstairs bedrooms into the baby's room. We went with a Nautica for Kids theme. We painted the room two tone blue and white and Sam and I put up the border after it was painted. You can see two of my mom's paintings that we got framed (thanks so much to Cynthia, a friend of ours that owns a frame shop here) on the wall. The one next to the closet is of me and my dad!! You can click on the pictures to see a larger image.