Saturday, July 22, 2006

After bath....

After his bath we got him dried off and dressed and daddy had more fun with his hair..... until mom pulled out the comb and decided the Don King look wasn't gonna happen.

Bath time for Bray

Bray got his first bath on Saturday. We thought he would freak out but he actually seemed to like it, except the fact he was a little cold toward the end.

It was alot of fun and he was so good.

Naked time!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bray's first trip to Olive Garden

Beck's mom celebrated a birthday while down visiting us. We decided to take her out to dinner at the Olive Garden. We also took the little man and he was an angel..... slept through all the noise all through dinner. He got a little fussy right at the end but we left and he fell asleep in the Xterra on the way home.

A Red Sox fan already?

Six Flags Over Georgia!!

I went to Six Flags on Thursday with Jessica, Tom and Kelly (a friend of mine and Beck's). Had an awesome time and went on tons of rides.
There's a few pics of us at the entrance and with Daffy. Then there's a pic of me (taken by me) at the Batman coaster. Then the one from far away is Kelly and I in line for the front row...... our fourth time...... on Goliath. Goliath is their newest coaster and it's huge.

feeding time

First time wearing shoes

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More cute pics

Just a couple more cute pics. Everyday we take more pictures and they don't always get on the blog. I was looking through the camera and found these.

Nice hair

Proof that Bray probably shouldn't be left alone with Daddy and auntie Jess! Rock and Roll!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Auntie Jess

Auntie Jess is down visiting for a week and a half. Obviously to see Brayson but also to go to Six Flags with Tom and I....... we'll take pictures. Good times.


You've seen the little guy and now the big guy!


Already grabbing stuff...

He's already starting to grab stuff..... when you feed him he always wants his hands up to the bottle. He also figured out how to grab his pacifier, which is so cute, but sometimes he pulls it out of his mouth and gets mad. Obviously he also grabs hair sometimes.... but don't they all.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mama's little man

Sometimes when he's kinda fussy if he lays on someones chest (especially Becky's) he calms down and goes to sleep.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Like father like son

He may not have had too many beers and a few shots.........
and he may not be at a party at Marc and Stephs house but...........
Bray seems to like naked time too!!!!!!!!
Inside joke! But you can use your imagination..... :-)

Nana needs quality time too.