Monday, August 14, 2006

after the bath

I love these hooded towels.

I know what you're thinking....

.....more bath pictures.... yup, I can't help myself..... he's too cute!

Happy changing table guy

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My little MVP

Bath time!

Giving Bray a bath is alot of fun. He really seems to like it. Probably because it's more naked time!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sitting like a big boy in the corner

I propped Bray up in the corner of the couch and as you can tell he seemed to like it.

Have a seat....

So I'm feeding bray on the couch in the great room, I look up and Cecil is sitting on the couch....... no up on the couch laying down but ACTUALLY SITTING on the couch. Too funny!

Darlene and Brayson

Darlene and Tom came over for dinner a couple nights before Beck's mom left for Boston. We got some take out and brought it back to the house. Darlene fed bray and he fell asleep on her chest. While she was burping him he spit up on her shirt...... he had never spit up before.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More visitors......

Beck's friends from Boston, Ann, Val and Michelle came to visit for the weekend.
That's Michelle on the left and Ann on the right.

The surprised look

I think he's got the surprised look down pat.

Me and the little man

Just me and the little man hanging out on the couch.