Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I decorated the front door area for Halloween(a little). I bought a fog machine with a remote and placed it so the fog would come through the ceramic pumpkin. With the remote I can wait until I see kids coming and then fog up the front door.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Baby Einstein Activity Center

So far I have nothing bad to say about Baby Einstein products..... he loves the dvds (and they're great for keeping him calm when you have a few things to do) and now we put together his activity center and as you can see he really likes it!

Hanging with daddy

Bray's new chair

We bought Bray a new chair from pottery barn kids.... as you can see it's a lion. There were a few choices but we bought this one because of his favorite toy. The toy is a little lion that his grandma bought that sings little songs and he loves it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cute guy

Here's a few picture of Bray looking cute after his bath.

super kicky guy

Bray's new thing at bath time is to kick his feet and splash me and momma until we're soaked. I literally have to hold his legs down so we can finish his bath. If you click on the pictures to enlarge them you can see all the water splashing around.

Hey, it worked....

It was a crazy day... trying to make dinner, feed the dog, on the phone with work and little man was crying cause he was hungry ... so I tried something I hadn't tried before, I propped him up in the corner of the couch with a blanket to hold up the bottle and he fed himself while I took care of some things for a minute. It wasn't perfect but it worked.