Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Brayson loves Cecil very much. He thinks that the dog is hilarious. It is pretty adorable!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Naked Guy.... well, naked under the blanket guy.

OK OK..... he's wearing a diaper.... but I bet I got your attention.

Mommy Forever!!

Brayson is wearing my favorite shirt.. Mommy Forever with the heart tattoo on the sleeve. I bought it for him at Old Navy.

Play time

Bray is sitting up like a pro now. In these pictures he's playing with (and trying to eat...obviously) one of his toys he got for Christmas. The bib??? Well let me tell ya, this kid drools like a faucet. The teeth must be coming soon!

Eatin' time!

Seriously..... he did get some food in his mouth.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Super giggle guy

Taking after Daddy.

Bray seems to love his new toy.... its a drum! Notice the bib too. Kids... yup, definitely no instructions included.