Saturday, April 28, 2007

Nana's visit

Beck's mom came to visit for April 13th through the 21st. It was really cool that Bray actually crawled for the first time on Friday night (Friday the 13th) and was just starting to get the hang of it by the time she left. It was like he said "I'll wait til nana's visit to crawl" ....... Now he's all over the house!

Hanging in the backyard

Bray and Becky hung out in the backyard the other day while I was cutting the grass. He loves the wind in his hair, he gets all smiley. As you can see he crawled to the edge of the blanket and started checking out the grass. We have bermuda grass in our yard that goes dormant all winter and comes back green in the spring... its about half way there.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Messy guy

Tub time!!!

Tasty dinosaurs and mohawks!!! ...... must be tub time with daddy again!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Playing on the floor

Smiley guy has 4 teeth now. Top two and bottom two. The doctor said, at Bray's nine month appointment the other day, he has a few more on the way.

Friday, April 06, 2007


These taste good

Getting dressed is never an easy thing to do. Especially with a teething baby!!


Stop taking my freakin picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby Tad

When we give Brayson his nebulizer treatment we distract him with his Baby Tad. He loves that toy!

Bath time
