Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tonight on Access Hollywood.......

Rock's new BADBOY????

Newly crowned American Idol rock star Brayson Burnham lashed out at the paparazzi while eating at a local Georgia ice cream joint. His publicist says " he was just trying to enjoy a night out." Simon Cowell was quoted as saying "Well if he's going to be in the public eye he's going to have to control himself." Eyewitnesses say Brayson was yelling "hey, no pictures!!!" Other published reports say he seem to be under the influence. His publicist has said "It's just a bad picture, he was sober" One of the paparazzi at the scene says he was pushed out of the way while trying to get a close up..... his shot is seen above. You decide........

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

We took Brayson out to one our favorite places in Georgia, Brewster's Ice Cream! Beck and I were ordering our ice creams (figuring Bray would just eat some of ours) when we noticed a little sign with a 40 inch ruler next to it that said "any child under 40 inches gets a baby ice cream cone free" WELL...... let me tell ya, Bray absolutely loved his ice cream and was so excited about having his own cone! Surprisingly he didn't even make that much of a mess.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Apple eatin guy

Brayson had some pieces of apple while at Nana's house and he loved them. He always like mixed fruit cups but had never had pieces of an apple before. So when we got home I peeled half of an apple and cut a piece off to feed it to him. He leans over and takes the whole apple out of my hand and spent the next half hour munching on it until it was 3/4 gone.

Mini burger

Lately when I make steak or burgers on the grill Brayson will eat some when we give it to him. Soooooo I decided to make him his own little burger, but he wouldn't eat it. Kids.... go figure.

Tube slide!!!

While back in Boston recently I took Bray down to a playground by the Charles River a short walk from my Mother in law's house. He ended up going down one of those tube slides by himself. As you can see he loved it. Me? I was freaking out thinking he'd get caught or stop in the middle and I would have to get him..... :-)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Stick man

Brayson was hanging around with me in the backyard while I was weeding and then comes up to me with like 10 sticks and a pinecone.... not really sure why he loves to collect little sticks and things when he's outside but the ladies at daycare have nicknamed him stick man.