Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tonight on Access Hollywood.......

Rock's new BADBOY????

Newly crowned American Idol rock star Brayson Burnham lashed out at the paparazzi while eating at a local Georgia ice cream joint. His publicist says " he was just trying to enjoy a night out." Simon Cowell was quoted as saying "Well if he's going to be in the public eye he's going to have to control himself." Eyewitnesses say Brayson was yelling "hey, no pictures!!!" Other published reports say he seem to be under the influence. His publicist has said "It's just a bad picture, he was sober" One of the paparazzi at the scene says he was pushed out of the way while trying to get a close up..... his shot is seen above. You decide........


Jessica said...

duuuuuuude!!!! Rock on!!! Love him more than NKOTB!!!! Can wait to smooch him!!!

Kira Alexandria Darvulia: said...

Haha! How cute!